I completely forgot I began this blog 11 years ago. Reading back to these first two posts--reliving my words from my 31-year-old self is an interesting phenomenon. I have a lot to learn still, but it is really affirming to read that I maintained many of the same values since then.
I am still torn down by departure from nice. Today, the world is a lot different, though--the social embracing of "not nice" is overwhelming and terrifying. My husband and I left positions on school boards because of the ease at which people were "not nice." I'm still here. Smile at people. Say hello. And during a pandemic, wear a mask.
But I have a lot of other passions--the juncture of my faith and my career in biology is an empowering joy for me, and it hurts me to see that some see these in conflict or a source of conflict. Sigh. I just keep teaching and having the conversations.
Lately, though, I have to admit, food is a bit overwhelming. I am in a constant state of reaction--so learning what is safe to eat and what is not feels like it just takes over my life. I've since learned that I'm allergic to mammalian meat and corn products. But...here we go! I gotta do it. I was so sick last semester that I was in bed by dinnertime each evening. I felt overwhelmed by the smallest activity. And finally, my entire digestive system wasn't functioning. I was full of rashes, asthma attacks, anxiety, exhaustion, vomit, and diarrhea...so super attractive, eh? Let me tell you, I hate writing those words. I hate even thinking about it...but the more I do, the more I embrace my new reality. There isn't a magic pill or treatment...and corn is in everything! I can't cheat on this "diet," because then I get to spend three days sick until I can get the poison out of my body.
So---here I am. I'm trying to write. It is healing for me. Hopefully tomorrow I'll write more.